Help:Language code list
From Entri
If you have any term combinations with a language not mentioned here, please request a language code before adding the term.
Code | Language name | |
afr | Afrikaans | |
sqi | Albanian | |
ara | Arabic (Standard Arabic) | |
ear | Typical Egyptian Arabic | |
bel | Belarussian | |
bos | Bosnian | |
bul | Bulgarian | |
ces | Czech | |
zho | Chinese, general | |
cmn | Chinese, Mandarin Chinese | |
ctw | Chinese, Taiwanese Mandarin | |
cma | Chinese, Malaysian Mandarin | |
csi | Chinese, Singaporian Mandarin | |
chc | Chinese, Yue Chinese | |
dan | Danish, general | |
dak | Danish typically used in Denmark | |
dag | Danish typically used in Greenland | |
daf | Danish typically used on the Faroe Islands | |
eng | English | |
aus | Typical Australian English | |
nze | Typical New Zealand English | |
bri | Typical British English | |
cae | Typical Canadian English | |
ame | Typical American English | |
est | Estonian | |
fin | Finnish | |
fra | French | |
cfr | Typical Swiss French | |
bfr | Typical Belgian French | |
ffr | French typical for France | |
lfr | Typical Luxemburg French | |
caf | Typical Canadian French | |
kat | Georgian | |
deu | German | |
dde | German typical for Germany | |
ade | Typical Austrian German | |
bde | Typical Belgian German | |
cde | Typical Swiss Standard German (not Swiss German) | |
ide | Typical Italian German | |
lde | Typical Luxemburg German | |
gle | Irish | |
ell | Greek | |
gsw | Swiss German; Alemannic; Alsatian/NOT USED. | |
heb | Hebrew | |
hin | Hindi | |
hrv | Croatian | |
hun | Hungarian | |
ind | Indonesian | |
int | International (formulas) | |
isl | Icelandic | |
ita | Italian | |
jpn | Japanese | |
kat | Georgian | |
kor | Korean | |
lat | Latin | |
lav | Latvian | |
lit | Lithuanian | |
ltz | Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch | |
mkd | Macedonian | |
msa | Malay | |
nld | Dutch | |
nnl | Typical Dutch Netherlands | |
bnl | Typical Dutch Belgium | |
nor | Norwegian | |
fas | Persian | |
pol | Polish | |
por | General Portuguese | |
ppo | Typical Portuguese Portugal | |
pob | Typical Portuguese Brazil | |
ron | Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan | |
rus | Russian (general) | |
rur | Russian in Russia | |
rub | Russian in Belarus | |
rka | Russian in Kazakhstan | |
rki | Russian in Kyrgyzstan | |
rut | Russian in Tajikistan | |
rum | Russian in Moldova | |
ruu | Russian in Ukraine | |
ruz | Russian in Uzbekistan | |
rru | Russian in Romania | |
rui | Russian in Israel | |
rno | Russian in Norway | |
run | Russian in the USA | |
rso | Russian in South Ossetia | |
rua | Russian in Abkhazia | |
rtr | Russian in Transnistria | |
sgn | Sign Languages USE: e.g. bnl sgn = Belgian Dutch Sign Language | |
slk | Slovak | |
slv | Slovenian | |
spa | Spanish | |
spc | Typical Castilian Spanish | |
esa | Typical Andalusian Spanish | |
esc | Typical Catalan Spanish | |
esg | Typical Galician Spanish | |
eus | Typical Basque | |
esm | Typical Mexican Spanish | |
ech | Typical Chilean Spanish | |
sqi | Albanian | |
srp | Serbian | |
sve | Swedish, general | |
ssv | Typical Swedish of Sweden | |
fsv | Typical Finland Swedish | |
tha | Thai | |
tur | Turkish | |
ukr | Ukrainian | |
vie | Vietnamese |