How to become a member?
You can join the club by sending an e-mail to join in which you tell us something about your experience in translation and/or the reasons why you'd like to join.
We will send you a reply and if you are accepted, you can begin adding term pages as a 'starter'.
Types of member contributors
starter: terms added by a starter will get a red check mark. Once 300 of the starter's term pages have received a green check mark, the starter becomes a specialist;
specialist: terms added by a specialist will get an orange check mark. A specialist may change red check marks into orange ones. This is called upgrading a term page. Once 300 of the specialist's own, i.e. not upgraded, term pages have received a green check mark, the specialist becomes an expert;
expert: terms added by an expert will get a yellow check mark. An expert may change red and orange check marks into yellow ones. This is called upgrading a term page. Once 300 of the expert's own, i.e. not upgraded, term pages have received a green check mark, the expert becomes a supervisor;
supervisor: the terms added by a supervisor will get a green check mark. A supervisor may change red, orange and yellow check marks into green ones. This is called upgrading a term page.
About the colored check marks
In order to maintain a certain level of quality we use a peer review system:
: the term was not yet checked by a second contributor (added by a starter) or the term page needs considerable improvement;
: the term was added by a starter and checked by a specialist, the term was added by specialist or the term page needs some improvement;
: the term was added by a starter or specialist and checked by an expert, the term was added by an expert or the term page needs minor improvement;
: the term was added by a starter, specialist or expert and checked by a supervisor or the term was added by a supervisor. Currently the term page needs no improvement unless extended or changed.
: the term was checked by a supervisor and the term page has been protected from editing by an administrator, e.g. because it's a sponsored term page. Currently the term page needs no improvement unless extended or changed. Unprotecting can only be requested by a supervisor.
Instructions for contributors
Using the Add terms form
When adding or editing a term page you must use the input form. There are some exceptions to this rule, e.g. redirect and disambiguation pages. Should the use of the input form not be possible for any reason, please inform a user with inspector status for the language of the term you want to add or edit. When the term already exists and you have an editing issue you can also use the discussion page for that term (click on the Discussion tab). Most editing actions are possible using the input form. In the following sections you'll find further information about adding and editing term pages.
Adding the source language term
Although you can add also add term pages in only one language with no translation, you're strongly advised to enter at least one translation and add the corresponding term page(s). Should you add a term page without a translation of the term, you need to add at least one definition, context or example section.
Adding a term page is easy:
For adding terms you must be logged in. Select the source language of the term your adding.
You select the source language by clicking on the corresponding Add terms menu item under Terms.
Then you type the source term in (one of) the field(s) and click on the button or hit CTRL+Enter.
Note: 'int' is the code for formulas. This code can only be selected as 'target language'.
Please use the pipe/vertical bar (|) only in the Add sections field, not in the Add term field(s).
Target language(s) selection
For each target language you select, a term field and a synonym field appears. Fill in only one term in the term field and synonyms, if any, in the synonym field (if more than one, separate by a comma; separate near-synonyms by a semicolon).
When you type in a target term, a suggested term might appear (based on what terms already exist). If the suggested term is the right one, you may select it, but as the first letter is automatically capitalized, you'll have to change that if the term has normally not a capital letter.
If you have added a target term you can quickly save the page with CTRL+Enter while staying in the term field instead of scrolling down and clicking on the save button.
Please use the pipe/vertical bar (|) only in the Add sections field not in the term fields.
Note on gender-neutral language:
If possible use gender-neutral language in full text contributions. If possible means that the text must remain readable. Terms should be used as they are commonly used. If there is more than one possibility choose the more neutral one as main entry and create an additional term page or a redirect page. Examples: stewardess, Datenschutzbeauftragter.
Source language synonyms
Fill in synonyms, if any, of the source term (if more than one, separate by a comma). Separate near-synonyms by a semicolon.
Adding sections
In this field you can add text in wiki syntax, but you have to give it a title.
Titles are put between==
, Example: == Title ==
Allowed section titles are (preferably in this order):
- Source term synonym(s) (already predefined in the form)
- Abbreviation
- Grammatical information
- Related terms
- Antonyms
- Collocations
- Set phrases
- Definitions
- Short definitions
- Examples
- Usage
- Sources
- Remarks
- Context
- Images
- Pronunciation
- Sayings
- Internal comment
- Subject field(s)
You can also use other wiki syntax, for more detailed instructions, see the next subsections.
Adding abbreviations
- Create a section Abbreviation
- Write the abbreviation between double straight brackets
- After creation of the term page, create a disambiguation page by clicking on the abbreviation (see below)
- Return to the term page and remove the double straight brackets
- Example: FET
Adding grammatical information
Entri is mainly a termbase, but other useful linguistic information may also be added.
Adding definitions
Adding short definitions
Adding examples
Examples are sentences containing the term, which show the meaning or the use of the term itself. They are generally shorter than contexts.
Adding Usage
Write in a section Usage some brief information about the usage of the term, e.g. TERM Purity class, USAGE Of compressed air.
Adding sources
Normally terms and translations in a term page are found by comparing several text and image documents. These additions are not copyright protected. However, sometimes you might be authorized to use terms and translations from other termbases, glossaries, dictionaries, etc. which are copyright protected.
You can use copyright protected terms if you have the written permission from the copyright owner or if the copyright owner is unknown or cannot be contacted. In all those cases you have to mention the term or translation source in the term page.
Adding remarks
Adding context
Context is an excerpt containing the term, showing how the term is used and what other terms or phrases are related to that term. Context is generally longer than an example.
Adding images
Sometimes it might be useful to add an image to a term page in order to increase readers' understanding of a term. Such images must first be uploaded via the upload file link in the left menu and should be placed in an image section.
You may use images of which you know and can prove that they are under a free license, or are in the public domain (e.g. due to age).
Non-free images may be used, but only under certain conditions and if a free equivalent is not available.
These conditions are:
- You must have and provide the permission of the image owner to use the image in Entri articles;
- There must be a caption underneath the image or a tooltip on mouseover, with the copyright symbol and permission confirmation as well as a link to the image owner's website, if any.
Here are some examples:
[[File:image01.png|link=|© The Image Company. With kind permission.|250 px]]<br /> or [[File:image02.jpg|250 px|link=|© Jaypek Inc. With kind permission.]]
Parameters you can change:
- File: > this is followed by the image name and its extension
- link= > this is followed by the website address of the image owner's website
- Put the copyright symbol, the owner name followed by a dot and "With kind permission." between || or after |
- Specify the size of the image appearance. Remember: "small is beautiful".
Note: divide several images by <
br />
Adding pronunciation
Adding Internal comment section
Sometimes you might want to have an inspector look at a page. For instance if:
- you have a homonym and you can't add it to your page;
- you see a translation of which you think it's not correct;
- you can deduct a term's translation from the translations on other term pages into a language you don't know, but you have doubts, i.e. you want an inspector to "merge translation links";
- you are testing a form;
- there is a technical issue
- etc.
When adding an Internal comment title you flag the page for inspectors.
Write == Internal comment == as a title in the term page language. You can find a translation for some languages here: ST001.
Write under the title a short description of the issue and more detailed information, if any, in the discussion tab of the page.
Adding subject field(s)
Adding footnotes, end notes and anchors
See e.g.: gedachtestreepje (footnotes/references), Door rood rijden (anchors).
Adding terms that are brand names
Please avoid using brand names as a main entry of term pages. If possible, brand names should be put in redirect or sometimes disambiguation pages.
If you have a brand name, registered or not, that should appear in Entri because it's used in a more generic way by a group of people on different locations, create a term page for the general term for which the brand name is often used and add a section "Remarks".
For example: Suppose there is a company Bicsonics that makes a product generally known as Xyzolon, which they sell under the brand name Xyzbics. Xyzbics is regularly used instead of Xyzolon.
- Create the term page for Xyzolon
- Add or edit the remarks section:
== Remarks ==
- Write in that section in the language of the term page:
Often used brand name: [[Xyzbics]]<small><sup>TRADE MARK</sup></small>
Which will result in (with a link on Xyzbics):
Often used brand name: XyzbicsTRADE MARK
Then you should create a redirect page for the brand name (Xyzbics):
- Click on the brand name link (Xyzbics).
- A blank page appears.
- Click on the redirect button or type
. - Save and you're done.
- If you wish, you can remove the double straight brackets around the brand name in the general term page to avoid a redirect loop.
If the brand name is used in more than one language you should not create a redirect page, but a disambiguation page. See below.
For an example see here.
See also our trade mark policy.
Adding disambiguation pages
When you have a homonym (in one or more languages) you need to create a disambiguation page. Examples can be found here: Shampion, Hijsbalk and Sponsor.
When there is a word between round brackets after the term, you need to create a disambiguation page of the term without the round brackets. See also Kreisverkehr (Kreuzung).
- Write in the Add sections field or in the Source synonyms field the term without round brackets (i.e. the ambiguous term) between double straight brackets, e.g.
- Click after saving on the link
- You get a blank page
- Create a link to any term page with the ambiguous term in its title
- Save
- Remove the ambiguous term with straight brackets from the Add sections field or Source synonyms field
Now, when somebody searches for the ambiguous term, he/she will be taken to the disambiguation page where the right term can be selected.
When you add an abbreviation section to a page, you are encouraged to create a disambiguation page for the abbreviation with a link on which users can click to browse to the main term page. Please do NOT create a redirect page for an abbreviation as abbreviations are often the same in several languages and the same abbreviations stand often for many different things. For an example see here.
Adding a redirect page
When you add a source term synonym to a page, you are encouraged to create a term page for that synonym redirecting users to the main term page.
- Go to the source term field.
- Write the source term synonym between double straight brackets, e.g.
[[synonym of A]]
- After creating the term page click on the synonym and you get a blank page.
- Click on the redirect button or type "#REDIRECT" and type between double straight brackets the main term, e.g.
#REDIRECT [[main term A]]
- All done. If you want, you can remove the double straight brackets around the source term synonym again.
If you don't want to create a redirect page for a synonym (yet), just don't use [[ ]].
You can also use [[ ]] in the target synonym fields. However, this is not encouraged. If you do so, you should create a redirect page AFTER having created the target term page:
- After having created the target term page as well, go back to the source term page, click on the target synonym and you get a blank page.
- Click on the redirect button or type "#REDIRECT" and type between double straight brackets the main target term, e.g.
#REDIRECT [[main target term]]
- All done. You cannot remove the double straight brackets around the target term synonym unless you are an inspector.
Additional editing options and rules
When putting links to other - internal or external - pages in the Add sections field (and only there) you may use the pipe/vertical bar (|). It enables you to create a link to a page on any word you want. E.g.: In your sentence "For more information about such a yellow thing click here" you would like the reader to see "click here" with a link to the page "banana".
In your sentence:
- Open double straight brackets [[
- Type: banana|click here
- Close double straight brackets ]]
Your sentence now looks like this:
For more information about such a yellow thing [[
banana|click here]]
- Save
- The reader gets "For more information about such a yellow thing click here.
In the add sections field you have a text editor which helps you to edit your text without coding by clicking on the buttons.
- If you need a non-breaking space, type
where you want the non-breaking space to appear. - If you need a French apostrophe, use the text editor or copy it from here: ’. Do not use ' or any other 'false' apostrophes.
Using the discussion page
On every term page there is also a discussion page. On this page users can write remarks for other users, either because they have doubts about their own contributions or because they don't agree with a contribution. Please write on discussion pages in the language of the term under discussion or in English only. Thus discussion pages can especially contain useful information for users who want to "upgrade" a term.
Creating bilingual term tables and adding term lists
If you have any bilingual tables you'd like to share and add to Entri you can do so by clicking on the menu item Add term lists.
However, there are some conditions:
- the table you submit needs to have a certain format (see below);
- do not submit copyrighted material without permission: you must be the owner of the table or have the owner's permission to submit the table;
- once you have submitted a table, the publishers of Entri become the owners of the table and can edit the submitted data as they deem fit;
- you can request to have your name or the name of any third party published as source for the submitted term list(s).
If you have an Excel table which you'd like to convert into a wiki table for any other reason than for adding a term list you can use the Excel2wiki converter.
Format of tables to be submitted using Add term lists
The title of the list should have the following format: [List] [DDMMYYYY] [source language code-target language code] [1 descriptive word], e.g. 'List 28032014 deu-pol legal'. The descriptive word is optional.
If you want to be mentioned as the source of the terms or if you have the permission to publish a list from its owner under the condition to mention the source, please add in the field 'Term list source:' your first name and surname or the list owner's data in the following format: [title] (if any); [first name] [surname] or [company name]; [©]; [with kind permission - with kind permission] (preferably in both of the table languages) or [with kind permission] (in one of the term languages).
Add in the field 'URL (Without square brackets!):' the URL of the source (if any).
These fields appear
You can create your table in a spreadsheet, word processing or any other program and copy and paste it into the Create List field, but make sure that:
- all terms in the first column are in the same language and all terms in the second column are in one other language;
- the separation between terms of the two languages is a tab. Normally this is done automatically. If tabs are missing, you can copy a tab and paste it in between the terms;
- there are no other tabs;
- synonyms are separated by a comma and near synonyms by a semicolon;
- additional information for disambiguation, e.g. in case of homonyms, is placed between round brackets immediately after the ambiguous terms. The information between round brackets will become part of the title, so please keep it short. For instance: staff (personnel);
- terms with a different meaning are always put in different rows;
- any additional information, like comment, definitions, sources, etc., is placed between single square brackets [ ];
- any brackets are closed;
- there are no double entries.
Alternatively, if for any reason you don't want to use the Add term lists function, e.g. if you have a multilingual term table or a table with a different formatting you'd like to share, you can send your table by e-mail.
Why would you provide your glossaries (or terms) in the first place?
- One central place for all your terms.
- Your terms will be checked for free before creation of a term page.
- Your terms may get additional information from other users.
- You support the community.
Instructions for inspectors and administrators
The main task of inspectors is to 'clean up' term pages. Another role is, checking that all users create and edit term pages in the same way. Inspectors are language specialists with some technical understanding of how a wiki works. They cannot ban users, but they can warn them and request an administrator to ban users if warnings don't help.
List of language codes
Please use only our language codes. The list of language codes can be found here. Note that adding and editing with forms is limited to a few languages. If you'd like to add terms in other languages let us know and we'll provide instructions.
A language not listed here? Ask us for the abbreviation before contributing.
List of allowed extensions in tables and how they should be put in a term page
[USE] [pl] [Mz.] [mv] [NOT] [OLD] [rare] ...
Rewards for contributing
For every 300 term pages you add, once they have received a green check mark, you are entitled to give away or sell 50 banners for life, or you can use them for yourself.
How does it work?
- When you have added 300 term pages and they have a green check mark, you can search for an advertiser/advertisers.
- You send us your banner request, i.e. a list with the advertiser name(s), url(s) - if a link to the website is desired - and the number of term pages per advertiser (in total 50). You must also provide the banners.
- When we get the list we will put the banners on term pages that have no banner yet in a section "Sponsor of this page". We block editing of these sponsored pages which get a light blue check mark.
You can also send us multilingual glossaries. Once the terms are checked and published you will be notified that you have obtained banner space (50 banners per 300 published term pages). You then provide advertiser data and we will publish the banners.
- Please send your banner request for a total of 50 term pages and do not spread your 50 banners over several banner requests.
- These rewards may not be considered as any form of payment. If you decide to sell the banners it is your responsibility to pay any taxes due.
- When offering banner space you will only act on your own behalf and in your own name.
- This is a non-binding offer.
- We reserve the right to move banners from one page to another.
- We reserve the right to refuse at our own discretion making publicity (banners) for certain advertisers.
- We decide at our own discretion on which pages the banner ads are put. You or the advertiser(s) may let us know your preferences.
- "For life" means: as long as this website and/or the advertiser exist. If a sponsored page is deleted we will place the banner ad on another term page.
- Users are not allowed to add banners or any publicity themselves.